In December 1900, the Jews of Ruppichteroth founded an association with the aim of building their own synagogue. Although they belonged to the Nümbrecht synagogue community, due to the increasing number of Jewish fellow citizens in the town, they wanted to build their own prayer house “in order to be able to hold a service […]
Inauguration of the synagogue in Hamm on Sieg
After Hamm fell to Prussia in 1815, the Jewish residents of the town gradually enjoyed equal civil rights. In addition to the abolition of Jewish extra taxes, there was also no longer a need for a settlement permit, which until then had limited the number of local Jews. In 1816 a prayer house was built […]
Letter of protection for the Jew Lazarus from Hamm on Sieg
The first known Jew who was allowed to settle in Hamm was called Lazarus. On January 1, 1661, he received a letter of protection from Count Salentin Ernst of Manderscheid and Blankenheim for himself, his wife, his children and his servants. He had to pay one Reichsthaler a year for it. Timeline Rosbach/Sieg