In 1875, the Rosbach Jews decided to seperate from the synagogue association in Hamm and founded their own synagogue community. At first, a prayer room in the Havetz bakery served as a meeting place. In 1879 the “Israelite Association for the Satisfaction of Religious Needs” was founded. A synagogue was built around 1880. At the end of the 19th century the community numbered 50 people in 18 households.
On August 1, 1925, the Jewish community celebrated its 50th anniversary. The Waldbröler Kreisblatt reported in detail:
“The celebration began on Friday evening with a service in the newly renovated synagogue, where Rabbi [Salomon] Seelig from Siegburg gave the sermon. On Saturday morning, another service was held in the synagogue by the aforementioned rabbi. In the afternoon, the local Jewish citizens gathered with their guests in the Schneider Inn for the official ceremony.”
The celebration, to which numerous guests, not just Jews, had come from near and far from Rosbach, ended with a ball on Saturday evening. The newspaper article ended with the statement: “The synagogue community can be proud of their successful celebration in every way.”

Timeline Rosbach/Sieg
- ↑ “Boycott of Jewish businesses” in Ruppichteroth – April 1, 1933
- ↓ Foundation of the “Chevre Kedische” association in Ruppichteroth – December 22, 1900