The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki

The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki was inaugurated on May 13th 2001. It was established by the local Jewish Community to keep the memory of the long Jewish presence in the city. Besides its permanent exhibition and the maintenance of its collections, the Museum organises temporary exhibitions, seminars for school teachers, and scholarly conferences.  The Museum […]

Founding of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Center

Through their remarkable activism and remembrance efforts, Montreal survivors established the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Center on September 9, 1979. This organisation educates the public about the dangers of hatred, antisemitism, racism, and indifference. Between 1947 and 1955, over 35,000 Holocaust survivors settled in Canada, mostly in Montreal. As they rebuild their lives, they were compelled […]

The first train to Auschwitz

On the morning of March 15, 1943, the residents of the Baron Hirsch neighbourhood in Thessaloniki, which was located by the railway station, were packed into livestock wagons, which were overloaded to twice their capacity. The cars were shut and sealed. The train departed for Poland with the first 2,800 deportees. After a tortuous, five-day journey, […]

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