Installation of a commemorative plaque

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the November pogrom, a commemorative plaque was placed in the “House of the Island,” which bears the following dedication: 

In memory of the Jewish citizens of the city of Norderney,  

who died a violent death or were expelled by National Socialist terror. 

To the living as a reminder 

November 9, 1988                                    

The City Council of Norderney 

The former synagogue building, which has undergone major structural changes, now houses a restaurant. Since 1996, a memorial plaque pays homage to the former use of the building: 

Former synagogue (1878–1933) 

This building was erected as a house of prayer for Jewish citizens and guests. 

Sold in July 1938, it escaped destruction during the pogrom night of November 9, 1938. 

In remembrance and commemoration. 

Since 2013, several so-called „Stolpersteine” (Stumbling Stones) at four locations commemorate former Jewish residents of Norderney. 

Commemorative plaque; Source: Wiki Commons

Timeline Norderney

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