On June 8, 1978, the Solingen City Council resolved to hold a commemorative vigil with the Jewish studies scholar and historian Prof. Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich on the fortieth anniversary of the pogrom night. In November 1978, an exhibition of the city archive on the NS regime was presented in Solingen. On November 9, 1978, a memorial demonstration in commemoration of the November pogrom took place for the first time with 450 participants.
Since 2004, the central commemoration of the November pogroms has been held at the air raid shelter adjacent to the Schwertstrasse grammar school, where the Solingen synagogue stood until the end of 1938. The mayor, representatives of the Christian churches and the Youth City Council, as well as the board of the Jewish Religious Community of Wuppertal spoke there before the congregation’s rabbi said a prayer for the victims of the Shoah.
Afterwards, students marched through the city in a memorial procession to an event organized by young people for young people with a cultural and lecture program, including film documentaries, musical contributions, theatrical readings, and reports on the projects of anti-racism groups, student encounters, and memorial tours. The program was moderated by members of the Youth City Council and ended with a joint action that promoted tolerant and peaceful coexistence.

Timeline Solingen
- ↑ Renaming of Max Leven Gasse in Solingen – February 28, 1979
- ↓ Verdict against the NS perpetrators of the pogrom night in Solingen – July 22, 1949