Polyphony of the Holocaust

One quintessence of all these projects is the book Polyphony of the Holocaust. Voices on the Culture of Remembrance, edited by Maria Anna Potocka. In 2015, following the controversy surrounding the exhibition Poland – Israel – Germany. The Experience of Auschwitz, the MOCAK invited various people, including philosophers, historians, literary scholars, psychiatrists, artists, curators, and writers, to discuss the ways in which the Holocaust was remembered and the limits to artistic freedom that were tied to this. In other words: This book was not so much about the Shoah itself, but rather about the responsibility of how the memory of the mass murder takes place. In addition to international positions, the first edition of the book presented above all the Polish perspective. The German edition from 2020 takes up many aspects of the Polish edition, but extends it to include the participants in the project Auschwitz and I.

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